zaitcev / ★

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2014-04-24 [] Uncharted Airports
Mostly NM
avia flying

2014-04-22 [] Why You Should Not Be Running
"Why You Should Not Be Running: Long slow distance exercise has no business being the standard advice for better health."
people.MarkRippletoe health

2014-04-20 []
kanon game

2014-04-17 [] Yahoo breaks every mailing list in the world including the IETF's
DMARC fixes nothing
spf yahoo email

2014-04-16 []
Explanation of New Style Replication over AFR
glusterfs people.darcy

2014-04-16 []
"The right of individuals to protect themselves against violence is so important that it is, in many ways, beyond the power of the state to regulate. Though the state might prefer to sacrifice citizens’ lives and safety in order to limit gun ownership, such a sacrifice is not permitted."
guns freedom instapundit

2014-04-07 [] FAA NOTAM Search
avia faa

2014-04-07 [] Flight Distance Calculator

2014-04-07 [] TAF decoder

2014-04-07 [] Debunking a Few Commonly Held Fracking Myths

2014-04-05 [] After Eich resigns, conservatives slam Mozilla—and call for boycott | Ars Technica
eich ars

2014-04-05 []
eich lwn

2014-04-05 []
partially off | Justice Thomas Was Right: Citizens United and the defenestration of Brendan Eich.
eich instapundit mozilla bullies

2014-04-03 [] The Hounding Of A Heretic | The Dish
fascists liberals freespeech people.andrewsullivan eich

2014-04-02 [] Is Government Debt a Problem? | International Liberty
At what point do investors stop buying sovereign debt and the nation defaults?
people.Dan_Mitchell government economics

2014-03-26 [] Canada shows you can cut government spending
canada economics taxes

2014-03-26 [] State Film Subsidies: Not Much Bang For Too Many Bucks
hollywood new_mexico

2014-03-22 [] Why the Media Doesn’t Cover Jihadist Attacks on Middle East Christians | Raymond Ibrahim
religion war

2014-03-21 [] Washington Post Falls For Left-Wing Fraud, Embarrasses Itself
wapo journalism powerline

2014-03-18 []
Took over the spares inventory from APSU
hks avia

2014-03-12 [] Booting PandaBoard with Fedora 20 GA
fedora arm

2014-03-03 [] approach-A.txt: container reconciler design notes
Erasure codes

2014-03-03 []
fedora openstack rdo

2014-03-02 []
"The deposed premier Viktor Yanukovych won the 2010 presidential election against Yulia Tymoshenko, after Tymoshenko’s “Orange Revolution” regime made a ghastly mess of everything. Yanukovich made matters worse. Clearly a lot of Ukrainians got together at Maidan square, ranging from democratic idealists to rent-a-mob demonstrators paid by Ukrainian oligarchs to the sort of hoodlums who think the other side should have won the Second World War."

2014-03-02 [] Lamentations of Their Women: UCLA Leftist Throws Wild Tantrum When Anti-Israel Vote Fails

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