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2017-08-01 [] Early Evidence Doesn’t Bode Well for Finland’s Basic Income Experiment | International Liberty
people.Dan_Mitchell economics ubi

2016-06-07 []
The minimum wate cartoon that was the breakout strip of Red Panels.
economics redpanels

2014-04-02 [] Is Government Debt a Problem? | International Liberty
At what point do investors stop buying sovereign debt and the nation defaults?
people.Dan_Mitchell government economics

2014-03-26 [] Canada shows you can cut government spending
canada economics taxes

2014-01-02 [] The 11 "Death Spiral" States
Suddenly in 2013 there was no growth in NM while Texas posted 2.5%.
states new_mexico economics

2013-08-02 [] JustOneMinute: McDonalds Math, Or, Latest Lib Talking Points Fail
"The fundamental premise is that McDonalds customers will pay more, thereby raising the living standard of the McDonalds employees."
economics minimum_wage

2013-06-26 [] The Limits of Panic: Obsessing over doom-and-gloom scenarios distracts us from real global threats.
environment economics earth

2013-06-26 [] Economic growth: Texas, California and revisions - The Hill's Congress Blog
economics california texas

2012-07-20 [] The Remarkable Story of Chile's Economic Renaissance | Daniel J. Mitchell and Julia Morriss | Cato Institute: Commentary
chile people.Dan_Mitchell economics

2009-02-08 [] An interview with Robert Barro - The Atlantic Business Channel
LOL. Krugman is trade, attacking Iran is a showel-ready project, Geithner is good (despite taxes), yada yada LOL.

2008-11-15 [] The Loss Of Individual Liberty -
Death march.
republicans fascism economics pol.mccain

2008-10-07 [] FDR's Policies Prolonged Depression by 7 Years, UCLA Economists Calculate / UCLA Newsroom
economics pol.fdr

2008-09-23 [] EconLog, A Simpler Solution, Arnold Kling: Library of Economics and Liberty
Maybe I should read more Kling.
economics economy

2008-09-21 [] Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Dispelling The 'Deregulation' Myth
Gramm-Leach-Bliley act (
economics government

2008-09-13 [] TCS Daily - Three Cheers for "Price Gougers"
gouging economics people.randsimberg

2008-07-31 [] An Open Letter to Joseph Stiglitz, by Kenneth Rogoff, Economic Counsellor and Director of the Research Department, IMF
economics imf

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