zaitcev / fracking/

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2018-05-11 [] The study you won’t be hearing about: No impact on groundwater from fracking

2014-04-07 [] Debunking a Few Commonly Held Fracking Myths

2013-08-17 [] The five myths about fracking
Times tagline: "Shale gas does not cause earthquakes, pollute water or use toxic chemicals. Wind turbines do far more damage"

2013-04-25 [] Fracking is safe, scientists say at Vail energy forum
Note though, only a 50 year supply may exist.

2012-11-17 [] Merrill on “Fear of Fracking”
(the dude is captive to carbon bullshit, but supports fracking)
fracking energy

2012-09-28 [] Matt Damon's Anti-Fracking Movie Financed by Oil-Rich Arab Nation
fracking propaganda

2012-07-12 [] Fracking can be undertaken safely if best practice and effective regulation are enforced
fracking energy

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