zaitcev / people.Dan_Mitchell/

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2017-08-01 [] Early Evidence Doesn’t Bode Well for Finland’s Basic Income Experiment | International Liberty
people.Dan_Mitchell economics ubi

2016-08-18 [] Japan's Slow-Motion Fiscal and Monetary Suicide | International Liberty
people.Dan_Mitchell japan

2016-01-04 []
Brazil is facing an inevitable collapse (largely due to culture).
brazil people.Dan_Mitchell

2015-09-04 [] Does Donald Trump Think Washington Politicians Should Have More of Our Money to Help America Become Greece? | International Liberty
Dan Mitchell's concerns about Trump's policy positions.
pol.DonaldTrump people.Dan_Mitchell

2014-04-02 [] Is Government Debt a Problem? | International Liberty
At what point do investors stop buying sovereign debt and the nation defaults?
people.Dan_Mitchell government economics

2012-07-20 [] The Remarkable Story of Chile's Economic Renaissance | Daniel J. Mitchell and Julia Morriss | Cato Institute: Commentary
chile people.Dan_Mitchell economics

2012-01-24 [] Debunking the “Conservative” Argument for a Wealth Tax
people.Dan_Mitchell taxes people.Warren_Buffet

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