zaitcev / people.andrewsullivan/

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2014-04-03 [] The Hounding Of A Heretic | The Dish
fascists liberals freespeech people.andrewsullivan eich

2012-05-14 [] Andrew Sullivan’s father figure
"Sullivan spent three years aggressively scorning everyone who criticized Obama’s marriage position on the ground that it’s irrelevant and inconsequential what the President thinks about marriage equality, even arguing that it’s “sad” to watch gays seek presidential approval"
people.glenngreenwald pol.obama people.andrewsullivan

2011-10-09 [] Andrew Sullivan’s Federal Pot Favors
Nobody can immigrate with AIDS... except Andrew Sullivan.

2009-05-15 [] A Fit Of Sanity - Transterrestrial Musings
thoughtcrimes people.andrewsullivan

2008-12-15 [] Instapundit » Blog Archive » ANDREW SULLIVAN, 2002: MAN OF THE YEAR: I don’t understand why Time couldn’t manage to say it, bu…
LOL Sullivan. I am glad Palin existed to expose him for a fraud he is.

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