zaitcev / journalism/

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2023-05-18 []
"17. Toufanian told me he sued Lorenz over the article, and she then began sending messages to gin up a DOJ investigation against him." "18. Toufanian later received a subpoena from the Southern District that reads like a rip and read of Lorenz's article. The investigation dragged on for 3 years. He recently received this email to pick up his laptop that was confiscated. "I was never charged."
journalism journalists twitter liberals bullies

2020-10-13 []
nyt journalism liberals people.glenngreenwald

2020-07-04 []
pol.DonaldTrump journalists journalism boomer_remover health medicine

2019-01-04 []
journalism liberals

2018-12-22 []
"There are so many lies here, that my friend Jake and I had to narrow them down to top 11 most absurd lies (we couldn’t do just 10) for the purpose of this article."
journalism liberals

2018-05-23 []
"Thought you’d say that. Anytime anyone criticizes the media, the media shrieks “You’re just like Trump!” Why do you think he got elected in the first place? Because no ones believes you any more. You lost your credibility a long time ago."
people.elonmusk journalism

2017-10-17 []
A worthy successor to Scientific American? NO WAI.
science journalism

2017-06-26 [] Retractions, Ratings And Rape: Catastrophic Month Puts CNN Into Fake News Death Spiral
journalism cnn

2017-01-23 [] TRUMP AND THE PRESS: So yesterday I was on the BBC talking about Trump, the press, and what’s going on.
instapundit journalism

2017-01-19 []
"Trump's penchant for bashing companies could have drastic consequences, says Jake Novak. Just look at JFK's track record."

2017-01-12 []

2016-12-08 []
"the single biggest piece of “fake news” was the story that Trump couldn’t win." A long, high-brow essay.

2016-05-10 []
journalism liberals lapdogs

2016-02-18 []
"Female Presidential Candidate Who Was United States Senator, Secretary Of State Told To Be More Inspiring" - after Onion was bought by Univision
onion bias lapdogs leftists journalism

2015-02-21 [] Guardian 'changed Iraq article to avoid offending Apple' - Telegraph
journalism apple

2014-11-26 [] New York Times Publishes Darren Wilson’s Address
journalism nyt liberals ferguson

2014-11-09 [] Can we trust web journalism? | By Stewart Baker November 9 at 12:16 PM
encryption journalism

2014-10-21 [] #GamerGate Is Not A Hate Group, It's A Consumer Movement, by Erik Kain
gaming journalism

2014-10-15 []
Gamergate Clif Notes
gaming journalism

2014-08-12 [] The Infallible ‘New York Times’: Don’t waste time writing a Letter to the Editor unless it’s adulatory. Aug 18, 2014, Vol. 19, No. 46. By KENNETH L. WOODWARD
nyt journalism

2014-06-20 [] USA Today's GA Indictment
Paul Bertorelli is unduly generous, but points out some factual problems with Tom Frank's smear peace.
avia flying journalism

2014-06-19 [] Unfit for Publication: How USA Today Got Everything Wrong | Jeff Schweitzer
USA Today and Tom Frank didn't cover themselves in glory in this one.
flying avia journalism

2014-03-21 [] Washington Post Falls For Left-Wing Fraud, Embarrasses Itself
wapo journalism powerline

2013-07-27 []
journalism trayvon_zimmerman

2013-07-14 [] Guilty Until Proven Innocent: How the Press Prosecuted Zimmerman While Stoking Racial Tensions
journalism trayvon_zimmerman

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