zaitcev / ★

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2014-04-03 [] The Hounding Of A Heretic | The Dish
fascists liberals freespeech people.andrewsullivan eich

2014-04-02 [] Is Government Debt a Problem? | International Liberty
At what point do investors stop buying sovereign debt and the nation defaults?
people.Dan_Mitchell government economics

2014-03-26 [] Canada shows you can cut government spending
canada economics taxes

2014-03-26 [] State Film Subsidies: Not Much Bang For Too Many Bucks
hollywood new_mexico

2014-03-22 [] Why the Media Doesn’t Cover Jihadist Attacks on Middle East Christians | Raymond Ibrahim
religion war

2014-03-21 [] Washington Post Falls For Left-Wing Fraud, Embarrasses Itself
wapo journalism powerline

2014-03-18 []
Took over the spares inventory from APSU
hks avia

2014-03-12 [] Booting PandaBoard with Fedora 20 GA
fedora arm

2014-03-03 [] approach-A.txt: container reconciler design notes
Erasure codes

2014-03-03 []
fedora openstack rdo

2014-03-02 []
"The deposed premier Viktor Yanukovych won the 2010 presidential election against Yulia Tymoshenko, after Tymoshenko’s “Orange Revolution” regime made a ghastly mess of everything. Yanukovich made matters worse. Clearly a lot of Ukrainians got together at Maidan square, ranging from democratic idealists to rent-a-mob demonstrators paid by Ukrainian oligarchs to the sort of hoodlums who think the other side should have won the Second World War."

2014-03-02 [] Lamentations of Their Women: UCLA Leftist Throws Wild Tantrum When Anti-Israel Vote Fails

2014-02-28 [] Nazis: Still Socialists
liberals people.JonahGoldberg

2014-02-24 [] Teens defend ‘fail factory’ school in error-filled letters
new_york education

2014-02-21 [] BRUCE: Mitt Romney, a new comeback kid?

2014-02-17 [] Swiftstack's Worker Settings
swift performance

2014-02-17 [] Change Id8aff3cc: Add suffix hash recalculation to object-auditor.
swift ext4

2014-02-15 []
David Carr
ads-b electronics

2014-02-12 [] Notice from HKS - HKS-Engines
“HKS will no longer be producing the 700E and 700T line of engines”
avia hks

2014-02-12 [] De Blasio’s buddy sprung from jail after mayor calls NYPD
"A police source said Findlayter later appeared before a judge and the warrants were tossed." -- Orlando Findlayter was too lazy even do that on his own.

2014-02-11 [] Listing Containers and Objects - Greg.Brim.Net
swift people.gholt

2014-02-01 [] Sandra and Woo » [0538] Butterfly vs. Statistics
sandra_and_woo comics webcomic

2014-01-28 []
abq electronics zag

2014-01-28 []
people.Clayton_Cramer patents

2014-01-28 [] TWA: Flight 800: Very Disturbing Documentary
Every blogger has to go full retard one day. It's a law. Just ask Charles Johnson of LGF.
truthers people.Clayton_Cramer

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