zaitcev / people.JonahGoldberg/

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2022-02-10 [] Jonah Goldberg Cruises Off to CNN
The End

2021-01-31 []
"By opposing President Trump in a very angry way, Jonah painted himself in a corner."

2016-06-18 []
Jonah Goldberg deals with the false equivalency. "(b) no matter how you slice it, wanting to “save” gays from perceived sin is just plain different from wanting to kill them."
orientationally_challenged people.JonahGoldberg

2014-10-08 [] Liberals Storm California's Bedrooms
california people.JonahGoldberg

2014-06-25 []
tracking 1939, Bruno Rizzi to Trotsky to James Burnham "Managerial Revolution" to George Orwell (do dates match?)
liberals democrats government people.JonahGoldberg

2014-02-28 [] Nazis: Still Socialists
liberals people.JonahGoldberg

2013-06-06 [] Jonah Goldberg’s Nonsense on CPAC
quotes Jonah's rhetoric's equilibristics while on carpet for Christie
people.JonahGoldberg pol.Chris_Christie

2013-06-06 [] CPAC Unwise to Snub Christie, Gays
"He has a 74 percent approval rating in deep-blue New Jersey." -- right before it tanked, thanks to his gun-grabber stance |
people.JonahGoldberg pol.Chris_Christie

2013-06-06 []
people.JonahGoldberg pol.Chris_Christie

2011-08-30 [] Re: The Anti-Science Smear
science liberals people.JonahGoldberg

2008-02-05 [] You want a more 'progressive' America? Careful what you wish for.
politics pol.woodrow_wilson fascists people.JonahGoldberg

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