zaitcev / wired/

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2013-07-30 [] Now That It’s in the Broadband Game, Google Flip-Flops on Network Neutrality
google wired internet

2012-02-09 [] Patent Troll Claims Ownership of Interactive Web – And Might Win
wired ars patents eolas

2011-08-11 [] Gizmodo Cleared in Prototype iPhone Police Probe
Wait, no property was stolen, but someone is charged with possession of stolen property? How does it work?
apple police justice wired

2010-05-08 [] FCC Lets Hollywood Turn Off Your Output Jacks | Threat Level |
dmca hollywood wired

2008-08-05 [] Q&A: SpaceX's Elon Musk Vows to Make Orbit
spacex people.elonmusk wired

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