zaitcev / internet/

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2023-04-30 [] Regarding my earlier query about CA
ssl internet security

2022-10-30 [] The Internet Is Not Facebook: Why Infrastructure Providers Should Stay Out of Content Policing
"Cloudflare’s recent headline-making decision to refuse its services to KiwiFarms..." - but no release about the datacenter disconnection
eff internet freespeech kiwifarms

2014-09-04 [] Using BGP data to find Spammers
bgp internet spam

2013-07-30 [] Now That It’s in the Broadband Game, Google Flip-Flops on Network Neutrality
google wired internet

2012-07-13 [] I2P: anonymity
i2p anonymity internet freespeech

2012-05-12 [] Punching through The Great Firewall of T-Mobile
internet cellphone connectivity

2011-11-07 [] Music, movie industries giving to Rep. pushing for copyright enforcement
The genesis of the PROTECT bill.
republicans democrats fascists internet copyright freespeech

2011-07-08 [] ISPs Agree to Punish Suspected Copyright Infringement
copyright mpaa riaa internet comcast

2011-05-10 [] Lilley: Tory crime bill an attack on our liberty
Mark Steyn agrees:
canada internet

2011-02-24 [] william-os4y / fapws3
Fast Asynchronous Python Web Server (based on libev)
python web internet github

2010-12-30 []
internet fcc

2010-02-03 [] Australian censorship as it stands today
australia internet

2008-12-15 [] Google Wants Its Own Fast Track on the Web -
internet google microsoft comcast

2008-06-11 [] The Volokh Conspiracy - ISPs Agree to Block Child Pornography Sites:
"Voluntary" agreement.
freespeech freedom internet

2007-12-06 [] House vote on illegal images sweeps in Wi-Fi, Web sites
WTF Congress? It's worse than series of tubes in Senate: 409:2!
politics internet

2007-11-20 [] Josh’s Anime Blog - Comcast DMCA
BayTSP seems to be the culprit.
anime dmca internet

2007-06-12 [] Why you shouldn't jump on the SPF bandwagon
spf spam internet email

2007-06-12 [] FGA: SPF is harmful. Adopt it.
internet spam spf

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