zaitcev / people.elonmusk/

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2018-05-23 []
"Thought you’d say that. Anytime anyone criticizes the media, the media shrieks “You’re just like Trump!” Why do you think he got elected in the first place? Because no ones believes you any more. You lost your credibility a long time ago."
people.elonmusk journalism

2015-10-15 []
people.elonmusk cars.tesla

2015-01-07 [] I am Elon Musk, CEO/CTO of a rocket company, AMA! : IAmA
people.elonmusk spacex

2011-07-09 [] Elon Musk on the future of space travel and exploration
$140m pledge, Texas spaceport
people.elonmusk space spacex

2010-07-08 [] Elon Musk: Correcting the Record About My Divorce
people.elonmusk divorce california

2008-08-05 [] Q&A: SpaceX's Elon Musk Vows to Make Orbit
spacex people.elonmusk wired

2008-05-29 [] ISDC 2008 - Thursday Morning - Session 1: Elon Musk
Numbers on costs, mass fraction.
space spacex people.elonmusk falcon

2007-11-15 [] SpaceX/Musk: The Rocket Business - NASA
Musk on Pegasus
space people.elonmusk

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