zaitcev / journalists/

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2023-05-18 []
"17. Toufanian told me he sued Lorenz over the article, and she then began sending messages to gin up a DOJ investigation against him." "18. Toufanian later received a subpoena from the Southern District that reads like a rip and read of Lorenz's article. The investigation dragged on for 3 years. He recently received this email to pick up his laptop that was confiscated. "I was never charged."
journalism journalists twitter liberals bullies

2020-07-04 []
pol.DonaldTrump journalists journalism boomer_remover health medicine

2020-06-24 []
"Oh yeah, the NYT’s is famous for doxxing people and trying to get them killed. There’s a girl blogger in China who they doxxed. ..."
journalists nyt

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