zaitcev / copyright/

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2013-03-09 [] How A Fired Republican Staffer Became A Powerful Martyr For Internet Activists | TechCrunch
people.DerekKhanna riaa republicans copyright

2011-11-07 [] Music, movie industries giving to Rep. pushing for copyright enforcement
The genesis of the PROTECT bill.
republicans democrats fascists internet copyright freespeech

2011-07-08 [] ISPs Agree to Punish Suspected Copyright Infringement
copyright mpaa riaa internet comcast

2009-12-22 [] Stuff Michael Meeks is doing
Copyright Assignment (and Meeks' evolution)
freesoftware fsf opensource copyright

2008-01-16 [] Ford: Car owners are pirates if they distribute pictures of their own cars - Boing Boing
ford blog copyright

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