zaitcev / states/

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2015-07-29 []
Everything has to be registered.
states michigan guns

2015-04-29 [] NBAA State Aviation Tax Report
avia taxes states

2014-01-02 [] The 11 "Death Spiral" States
Suddenly in 2013 there was no growth in NM while Texas posted 2.5%.
states new_mexico economics

2013-04-05 [] Connecticut Passes Gun Ban Bill
states connecticut

2013-03-13 [] State Tax Guide for General Aviation released — General Aviation News
Conklin & de Decker
avia taxes states

2013-03-10 [] Speed cameras are a scam, Ohio judge rules
states ohio revenuecams

2013-01-04 [] states map - no income taxes
TX, FL, TN(!), NV(?), WA(?), WY, SD

2013-01-04 [] states map - welfare benefits
states welfare

2011-07-11 [] Hawaii Adopts Obama Style Tax Hike On Rich
hawaii taxes states

2011-06-04 [] Officers beat up an old man
"needed an attitude adjustment"
police states louisiana

2011-05-08 [] St. Louis Tax Collector Targets Aircraft
.. the value of the aircraft is based proportionately on the number of miles the plane has been flown within Missouri during the tax year. It doesn't matter where the airplane is registered or whether its owner is a county resident.
flying taxes states missouri

2011-04-18 [] FBO Horror Stories (Linden NJ - LDJ)
flying KLDJ fbo new_jersey states new_york

2011-02-21 [] Same-Sex Couples and The Marriage Penalty
Consider filing separately if state laws allow it
taxes states marriage

2010-12-30 []
oregon states taxes

2010-01-28 [] Traffic Camera Company Seeks to Rewrite Arizona Law
arizona revenuecams states

2010-01-06 [] Driver Responsibility Taxes (WTF Texas?!)
states texas new_york michigan new_jersey

2009-11-05 [] Free Advice to California Taxpayers (refile your DE-4)
taxes california states

2009-09-24 [] TaxProf Blog: 2010 State Business Tax Climate Index
states california taxes

2009-03-14 [] AZ Pols Pocket $36,265,795 in Photo Radar Campaign Contributions
arizona politicians revenuecams states

2008-08-28 [] TaxProf Blog: California Ballot Initiative to Impose 45% Income Tax, 55% Wealth Tax & 36%-54% Exit Tax
Exit tax?!
california states taxes

2008-07-08 [] DWI Arrest at 0.0
arizona mesa police dwi states

2008-07-03 [] The Corner on NRO: Racist liberal accidentially says the truth
nebraska states

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