zaitcev / youtube/

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2019-08-04 [] Beretta 92FS - Easy G Coversion Lever (decocker only)
beretta youtube

2018-03-23 [] What Gun Channels do we need to archive and where to re-upload?
guns reddit youtube

2013-04-06 [] Things that suck about New York
youtube new_york

2011-05-20 [] Rodney Sparks cooks Sous-vide steak
cooking food youtube

2010-01-27 [] HTML5 video and H.264 – what history tells us and why we’re standing with the web
Blizzard, the de-facto official voice of Mozilla, on the situation with H.264
h.264 video youtube google mozilla patents

2008-07-27 [] YouTube - Obama Love (V3)
Let's see how long this version stays up.
youtube pol.obama journalism

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