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2010-01-30 [] Obama’s Conservative Space Policy - Transterrestrial Musings
Rand's theory is that "Obama doesn't give a damn about it, so the new (good) policy is written by some of his underlings".
pol.obama space nasa

2010-01-23 [] The Mainstream Media Should Stop Neglecting NASA -- how dumb is Michael Pinto
Who do you think populates Ares I grassroots?
space people.michael_pinto

2010-01-22 [] Crew Escape Systems - Transterrestrial Musings
"Recall that both Challenger and Columbia were lost as a result of expendable components." "When you look at the total risk of a lunar mission, it’s a misallocation of resources and a defiance of rational systems engineering to put so much of them into reducing the risk of launch."
space people.randsimberg

2009-12-23 [] Why it takes 2-3 days to reach ISS
space iss

2009-12-03 [] All-liquid HLV alternatives (by Ed Kyle)
people.edkyle space nasa

2009-08-17 [] The Space Review: Doubts about depots
Also -
space depot

2009-07-25 [] The New Atlantis » A Space Program for the Rest of Us
A NewSpace Manifesto for 2009.
space people.randsimberg

2009-06-15 [] End of an Extravaganza by John Derbyshire on National Review Online
So, what about the cislunar economy?
space politics

2009-05-16 [] Moving The Goalposts? - Transterrestrial Musings
ESAS and Constellation vs. VSE
space people.mikegriffin nasa

2009-03-17 [] Russian Manned Moon Architecture
Facts behind Beeb's spin as given at
space moon rockets

2009-03-05 [] Rockets, not air-breathing planes, will be tomorrow's spaceships
The X-30 example is particularly instructive. (
people.henryspencer space rockets

2008-12-18 [] Selenian Boondocks » Blog Archive » Propellant Depot Policy Thoughts
space people.jongoff

2008-12-11 [] Orlando Sentinel - NASA has become a transition problem for Obama
"In addition, Griffin is scripting NASA employees and civilian contractors on what they can tell the transition team and has warned aerospace executives not to criticize the agency’s moon program, sources said."
space nasa people.mikegriffin

2008-11-15 [] 081113 Richard Garriott Interview
Fluid shift, CO2 poisoning, smooth launch on a liquid rocket.
space iss garriott

2008-11-03 [] SDB on RG
All true, but talk about missing the point.
space anime people.sdb

2008-10-23 [] The Myth of the Tactical Satellite

2008-09-09 [] Mike Griffin's Frustration - Transterrestrial Musings
Griffin's historic revisionism.
space vse

2008-09-06 [] Selenian Boondocks: The Myth of 25X
space people.jongoff

2008-08-26 [] アニ・ノート » Blog Archive » Oh Zombie Rocket
Handy table of Isp
rocket_girls space rockets

2008-08-11 [] Rocket Propulsion Engineering
Grote, James 661-816-5771
space rockets

2008-08-09 [] Falcon I Flight 3 failure - A separate OPINION thread
Dr. Antonio Elias on OSC, startups and SpaceX (but not talking cost to build to poind this time).
space spacex orbital people.antonioelias

2008-06-19 [] Pajamas Media » The Rough Road to Space
space nasa esas vse

2008-05-29 [] ISDC 2008 - Thursday Morning - Session 1: Elon Musk
Numbers on costs, mass fraction.
space spacex people.elonmusk falcon

2008-05-05 [] The Fundamental Problem - Transterrestrial Musings
A bit longish, but a good overview. "CRATS" though, sounds silly.

2008-04-24 [] Clinton and Obama vs. McCain on NASA Space Policies - 2008 Presidential Election - Popular Mechanics
space pol.obama pol.mccain pol.clinton

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