zaitcev / pol.bush/

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2008-12-28 [] George W Bush: winning the war on terror - Telegraph
Bush's legacy of victory and liberation.
pol.w pol.bush surge war

2008-09-30 [] Pajamas Media » Who’s Sleeping More Deeply — Europe or America?
Indeed, American liberal elites are just as repulsive and suicidal as those of Europe. And Bush's denounciation of cartoons makes him a failure of "compassionate conservatism".
war government elites journalism pol.bush

2008-07-31 [] Treating the Pill as Abortion, Draft Regulation Stirs Debate -
McCain cannot come soon enough for me.
pol.w abortions fundies pol.bush

2008-05-22 [] The Volokh Conspiracy - George W, Richard Nixon, and Big Government Conservatism:
politics pol.bush government pol.w

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