zaitcev / people.ShirleySherrod/

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2013-10-11 [] Shirley Sherrod’s Malicious Pro-Bono Suit Against Andrew Breitbart’s Widow (Updated and Clarified)

2010-08-04 [] Ron Wilkins: The Other Side of Shirley Sherrod

2010-07-31 [] Mea Culpa 360: CNN Anchor Says He Was Wrong to Let Shirley Sherrod Smear of Andrew Breitbart Go Unchallenged |
journalism racists people.ShirleySherrod

2010-07-20 [] Shirley Sherrod's Disappearing Act: Not So Fast
There was to the racist official of USDA than just racist ravings and bragging when she thought only other racists were listening.
people.ShirleySherrod racists government

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