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2012-11-08 [] LILEKS (James) :: the BLEAT (2012/11/07)
"The deficit can be solved by taxing other people; The financial industry was unregulated prior to 2009; Inflation is just a thing that happens, like weather;"
lileks liberals

2012-01-11 [] Lileks and Instapundit on why people live in suburbs
"my driving commute to work is shorter than my walk to work was when I was a hip urbanite"
suburbia instapundit lileks

2010-02-13 [] We Have Met the Enemy, and It Moooos [Lileks]
Lileks on trains and "bean curd molded into pleasant, food-like shapes".
trains lileks humour

2007-04-18 [] Transterrestrial Musings
The famous Lileks' paragraph about trains (original not available).
humour lileks trains

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