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2014-11-10 [] General Mattis Crosses Potomac With 100,000 Troops; President, Senate Flee City
“I come in peace, by myself, in order to hand-deliver a Memorandum of Concern to the Commander in Chief and the Senate,” said Mattis in a press conference. “I am moving on foot at a leisurely pace, with no ill will. If these American citizens choose to take a stroll with me, then who am I to turn down their companionship?”
humour duffelblog

2011-12-31 [] Nedroid Picture Diary: Scroginald 3 - Ghost of Christmas Future
humour nedroid webcomic

2011-12-10 [] The peril of ‘smart’ politicians
"If something is simple, then dumb people will believe it. And if dumb people believe something, then soon some conclude that smart people should believe something else. There’s a flaw in that philosophy."
humour imao

2011-11-11 [] "I occasionaly fly long distance flights FXE-TJIG (5+ hours) on my M20J with my family."
How much more of this torture. // Why don't you get a real airplane with toilet. // Grandma leak on the new seat again. She forgot the diapers, I told you.
flying humour

2011-11-07 [] Trollpug
humour rage

2011-11-01 [] No means no
humour rage

2011-10-18 [] GNOME vs. KDE
by Derek Glidden; was
humour gnome kde

2011-10-16 [] It Smells Like Bad Tacos
humour transit

2010-02-13 [] We Have Met the Enemy, and It Moooos [Lileks]
Lileks on trains and "bean curd molded into pleasant, food-like shapes".
trains lileks humour

2009-01-17 [] 2009: Anorak’s Diary | Anorak News
Iowahawk @ Anorak.
humour iowahawk

2007-12-08 [] iowahawk: Heart of Redness
Where did I read this before?
politics humour iowahawk

2007-10-16 [] Adult Swim Video: Sailor Moon
adult_swim humour sailor_moon

2007-04-18 [] Transterrestrial Musings
The famous Lileks' paragraph about trains (original not available).
humour lileks trains

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