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2013-08-31 [] World Federation of Scientists changes its policy: “Climate change in itself is not a planetary emergency.”
"This year Dr. Christopher Essex, Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Western Ontario and chairman of the Federation’s permanent monitoring panel on climate, gave the Federation’s closing plenary session his panel’s confirmation that “Climate change in itself is not a planetary emergency.”"

2013-03-18 [] The Hockey Stick, Broken Again | Power Line
"Two of these cores have very negative values. Marcott et al re-dated both of these cores so that neither contributed to the closing period: the MD01-2421 splice to a fraction of a year prior to 1940, barely missing eligibility; OCE326-GGC30 is re-dated 191 years earlier – into the 18th century."

2013-01-13 [] Major change in UK Met Office global warming forecast
The point is, they substituted the graph quietly.

2012-10-29 [] Mann’s hockey stick disappears – and CRU’s Briffa helps make the MWP live again by pointing out bias in the data

2012-10-23 [] Reckless Endangerment: Global Warming in the Courts | Online Library of Law and Liberty
lawsuit epa climage

2012-02-22 [] Climategate Turnabout
"If anything, these documents suggested that the Heartland Institute’s efforts — and those of climate skeptics generally — are less well-funded than some suspect (and certainly less well-funded than major environmentalist groups)."
people.Peter_Gleick climage

2012-02-22 [] Global Warming Alarmists Resort to Hoax | Power Line
Has content of Gleick's forgery.
people.Peter_Gleick climage

2012-02-22 [] Peter Gleick Confesses to Obtaining Heartland Documents Under False Pretenses - Megan McArdle - Business - The Atlantic
Confession aside, includes the details of what Gleick actually forged.
people.Peter_Gleick climage

2011-11-23 [] Climategate 2.0: Fresh trove of embarrassing emails • The Register
climage science

2011-11-20 [] Dr. James Hansen’s growing financial scandal, now over a million dollars of outside income
science corruption climage

2010-12-30 []
education journalism climage climate

2010-02-01 [] UN climate panel shamed by bogus rainforest claim - Times Online
globalwarming science climage

2009-12-01 [] Antarctica may heat up dramatically as ozone hole repairs, warn scientists
Build Earth-Sol L1 shade already, goddamit.
guardian climage ozone

2009-11-28 [] WARMERGATE WRAP | Daily Telegraph Tim Blair Blog
climage science

2009-11-21 [] The warmist conspiracy: the emails that most damn Jones
climage email scumbags science

2009-05-15 [] I Believe Professor Krugman Is Wrong About Climate Change and China - Jim Manzi - The Corner on National Review Online
people.krugman globalwarming climage

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