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2014-11-02 [] The Catch-22 of Energy Storage | Brave New Climate
energy wind solar nuclear

2013-11-28 [] Wind Turbines Are Climate-Change Scarecrows
"In 2012, global coal use increased by about 2 million barrels of oil equivalent per day. Thus, just to keep pace with the growth in coal usage, we’d have to nearly replicate the entire global fleet of wind turbines — some 285,000 megawatts of capacity — and we’d have to do so every year."
wind nuclear energy

2011-06-26 [] Wind Energy's Ghosts
Quite long.
wind power eco california

2011-04-09 [] Wind power: Even worse than you thought
A new analysis of wind energy supplied to the UK National Grid in recent years has shown that wind farms produce significantly less electricity than had been thought, and that they cause more problems for the Grid than had been believed.
wind power electricity grid eco

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