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2012-04-30 [] EPA’s Armendariz and the Demonstrative ‘Crucifixion’: A Case in Point
"[Range Resources] had to spend $4.2 million defending itself against a totally arbitrary action" - not counting disruption in operations from the emergency shutdown
oil epa enviros fascists

2012-03-12 [] America’s Energy Disaster
"United States currently consumes (November 2011 figures, p.52) 12.93 million barrels of oil per day (mpd) in its transportation sector, 4.55 mpd in its industrial sector, 1.159 mpd in its residential and commercial sectors, and 0.096 mpd in electrical-power generation, for a total consumption of 18.735 mpd. In contrast, (page 37) in 2011, the United States averaged a production rate of 5.671 mpd of crude oil, or 30 percent of its total consumption, for a net deficit of 13.064 mpd, or 4.77 billion barrels per year."
oil people.bobzubrin

2010-12-30 []
oil peak_oil people.JohnTierney

2008-04-30 [] - Congress bans Canadian oil
oil congress politics energy enviros

2008-04-25 [] Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > Demand for Gasoline May Be Relatively Price Inelastic But Eventually....
gasoline oil cars

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