zaitcev / massachusetts/

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2012-10-18 [] Massachusetts: Sex Change Is Ordered for Inmate
"Judge Mark L. Wolf found that the denial of the surgery, which would be financed with state taxes, amounted to a violation of the Eighth Amendment ..."

2012-06-29 [] Planet Valenti Muzzled: Another Restraining Order Against A Blogger | Popehat
Meridith Nilan ... the daughter of Clifford J. Nilan, Chief Probation Officer of the Berkshire Superior Court
massachusetts freespeech justice

2012-06-19 [] MassResistance web site shut down after homosexual activist threatens web hosting company -- and company caves in!
Not a lovely organization but the bullying is extremely worrysome. Who's next?
massachusetts bullies freespeech

2011-10-11 [] Crime pays for police
"Civil Forfeiture" allows police to steal things at will.
police government massachusetts

2011-06-16 [] Pols: What, us change?
.. despite the stunning news that their erstwhile leader, disgraced ex-House Speaker Salvatore F. DiMasi, had been found guilty of extortion, fraud and corruption — the third speaker in a row to be convicted on federal charges.
massachusetts government

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