zaitcev / living/

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2011-12-01 [] Is Suburbia Doomed? Not So Fast. |
suburbia living people.Joel_Kotkin

2010-01-21 [] The War Against Suburbia (good overview)
living suburbia cities democrats liberals pol.RayLaHood

2008-08-11 [] Trading Places
Leftists ride to victory on the crest of demographic wave.
living suburbia

2008-04-02 [] Havoc's Blog March, 2008: CD Ripping
Havoc went with GetDigital, received good metadata (no word on UTF/UCS-16).
living music

2008-01-19 [] The Corner, VDH on California
california taxes living

2007-12-14 [] Clayton Cramer's BLOG: SF Chronicle on Oakland
living oakland

2007-11-27 [] OpinionJournal - Kotkin on new-new-new urbanism with families and children

2007-10-22 [] San Diego fire 2007/10/22

2007-10-21 [] The Corner NRO: Montreal
Dria escaped Montreal in 2002 or so. Tardy.
canada living

2007-09-09 [] Luis Villa’s Blog / I, for one, welcome our new roomba overlords
"New" Roomba model 530 (apparently there's a ton).

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