zaitcev / java/

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2014-12-30 [] Java Practices -> Finally and catch
Using AutoCloseable to reduce the use of finally
java programming

2011-06-17 [] Android, forking, and control
James Bottomley - hugely important; Google's rewrite of Java was pointless.
linux gpl android google java people.James_Bottomley

2008-08-18 [] IKVM.NET Weblog - Finalize Considered Harmful

2008-08-18 [] Ken Arnold's Blog: Generics Considered Harmful

2008-01-16 [] Journal of Omnifarious - Random epiphany
... about Java

2007-12-27 [] Journal of Omnifarious - More Java ranting
Love Java, hate WORA (and the resulting NIH symptoms)

2007-11-13 [] Stefano's Linotype ~ Dalvik: how Google routed around Sun's IP-based licensing restrictions on Java ME
java google android

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