zaitcev / healthcare/

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2014-10-15 [] The Centers for Everything But Disease Control
very link-rich
government healthcare

2013-06-04 [] Democrats' New Argument: It's A Good Thing That Obamacare Doubles Individual Health Insurance Premiums
in The Apothecary, With Avik Roy
healthcare obamacare

2013-05-06 [] How the Oregon Study Should Change Our Thinking - The Daily Beast

2012-11-14 [] 5 Ways To Protect Yourself Against Obamacare
1) PCP, 2) HSA!, 3) concierge doctor, 4) tourism, 5) exempt records from ACO
healthcare obamacare

2011-07-12 [] Fresh doubt cast on Obama's health care story
Flogging mother's corpse to ram Obamacare down our throats; mom wasn't a spring flower either.
pol.obama cigna healthcare obamacare

2010-01-14 [] Report: Dems to Grant Special Exemption to Unions on "Cadillac Tax"
unions healthcare democrats

2009-11-27 [] Power Line - Annals of Government Medicine
A faithful summary, which is likely to live longer than the newspaper article itself.
healthcare nhs

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