zaitcev / aws/

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2024-02-19 [] Amazon S3 Update – Strong Read-After-Write Consistency
s3 aws

2013-04-29 [] Amazon S3 Performance Tips & Tricks + Seattle S3 Hiring Event
s3 amazon aws

2012-03-16 []
amazon aws

2012-02-23 [] Regions and Endpoints - Amazon Web Services
amazon aws s3

2012-01-19 []
dynamo aws

2012-01-18 [] Amazon DynamoDB | DataStax
side-by-side comparison
cassandra dynamo aws

2011-04-29 [] Summary of the Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS Service Disruption in the US East Region
1. too aggressive retries turn transient failures into prermanent ones, 2. rare bugs crop up in the retry meltdown
amazon cloud aws

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